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HomeHelpDifference Consent and Content Templates in DLT

Difference Consent and Content Templates in DLT

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Distinguishing Between Consent and Content Templates in DLT #


To send bulk SMS under new TRAI rules, register on a DLT platform like Jio or Vodafone. Once registered, submit and get approval for your Sender ID, message templates, and consent forms.

As per TRAI, bulk SMS requires registering Sender IDs, Content Templates, and Consent Templates on a DLT platform (Jio, Vodafone, etc.) after initial registration. Follow platform guidelines for approval.

Note:-In India, it is mandatory to register every SMS message and each Sender ID on the DLT portal prior to dispatching Bulk SMS.

Consent Content Templates DLT

“Consent” and “Content Templates” in the context of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): #


  1. Consent in DLT: Consent in DLT refers to the explicit permission or authorization granted by a user or entity to participate in or access specific transactions, data sharing, or operations within a distributed ledger system. It involves the clear and voluntary agreement of involved parties to engage in a particular action or share specific information, often governed by predefined rules and regulations. Consent mechanisms are crucial for ensuring data privacy, security, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in DLT networks.
  2. Content Templates in DLT: Content Templates in DLT are predefined structures or formats used to organize and standardize data or information that is recorded or transmitted within a distributed ledger system. These templates serve as blueprints for how data should be structured, what fields are required, and how information should be presented. Content templates streamline data entry, storage, and retrieval processes, ensuring consistency and interoperability across different nodes or participants in a DLT network. They are especially important in scenarios where data consistency and adherence to specific data models are critical.

The steps for registering with a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platform: #


Step 1: Begin by registering your business on the DLT portal of your chosen telecom platform, such as Jio, Vodafone, Airtel, Videocon, MTNL, or BSNL. You can find the DLT registration process for Jio [here](link to the process).

Step 2: After registering, add the Telemarketer as SID GROUPS to your DLT panel. You can learn more about this process for Jio DLT [here](link to the process).

Step 3: Next, add your Sender ID (Header) to your registered DLT panel. Details on how to add a Sender ID in Jio DLT can be found [here](link to the process).

Step 4: Lastly, submit your Content Template, which contains the actual message text, and your Consent Template, which demonstrates permission obtained from customers for promotional SMS.

These steps will help you complete the registration process on the DLT platform of your choice.

The information about the new Bulk SMS routes in accordance with the latest TRAI regulations: #


Consent Content Templates DLT

1. Transactional Route: The Transactional route is exclusively designated for Banks to send OTPs (One-Time Passwords) to their clients. Other banking-related messages, such as notifications about account debits or credits, and account status updates, are not permitted through this route. All types of banks, including National, Scheduled, Private, Government, and Multinational Corporations (MNCs), can utilize the Transactional route. This route serves the sole purpose of sending OTP SMS messages by Banks.

2. Service Implicit Route: The Service Implicit route is available for businesses and companies to send important SMS messages related to their products and service updates. Examples of such messages include OTPs for websites or apps, payment alerts, purchase confirmations, order delivery notifications, and other informative messages.

3. Service Explicit Route: The Service Explicit route is suitable for sending marketing-related SMS messages to customers but only after obtaining their permission. Messages sent through this route fall under the category of Service Explicit if customers have expressly allowed promotional SMS communication.

4. Promotional Route: Promotional SMS messages are designed for marketing and advertising purposes and can only be delivered to NonDND (Do-Not-Disturb) numbers. SMS messages promoting products and services are categorized under the Promotional route. It’s important to note that SMS messages from the Service Explicit route will be delivered to both DND and NonDND numbers if customers have been granted permission to receive promotional messages. However, Promotional SMS messages are specifically intended for NonDND numbers.

These different routes provide clarity and compliance with TRAI regulations regarding the types of messages that can be sent and the permissions required from customers for various SMS categories.

Concise Explanation of Content and Consent Templates: #


Content Template: A Content Template is the actual text of an SMS message that needs approval from DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) before it can be sent to customers in India. You must submit a Content Template for each message you wish to send, regardless of the SMS route (Transactional, Service Implicit, Service Explicit, or Promotional).

Consent Template: A Consent Template is used to obtain customer permission for sending promotional SMS messages. Essentially, if a business intends to send promotional SMS to its customers, it must first submit a Consent Template on the DLT platform. This template is then linked to promotional messages when Content Templates are approved. Notably, Consent Templates are only required for the Service Explicit and Promotional routes, not for the Service Implicit route.

Distinguishing Between Consent and Content Templates in DLT #


Features Consent Template Content Template
Definition It’s used to obtain customer permission to send promotional SMS. It’s the actual message text submitted on the DLT platform.
Routes Applicable to Promotional and Service Explicit SMS routes. Required for all SMS routes – Transactional, Service Implicit, Service Explicit, and Promotional.
Actual message text Should not contain actual message text; it’s solely for obtaining permission from customers. Contains the actual text that will be sent to the customer.
Example Text “We would like to send messages regarding marketing offers from our website.” “Dear user, {#var#} is your OTP for Login.”
Mandatory Mandatory for Promotional and Service Explicit SMS routes. Mandatory for all SMS routes.

Consent and Content Templates in DLT

How to Link Consent Template with Content Template Using SMSlocal: #


  1. Log in to your SMSlocal portal to begin the Consent and Content Registration process for SMSlocal DLT compliance.
  2. Navigate to the “Template” tab in the menu bar, as depicted in the image below. Click on the first option, “Consent Registration.”
  3. In the “Template Content” field, provide a general overview of the type of messages you intend to send. This includes creating a Template name and entering your brand name. Remember, the Consent Template field should not contain the actual message text. Here are some examples of Template Content:

   – “We would like to send messages regarding marketing offers to our customers.”

   – “We would send special offers, new product details, and recommendations.”

   – “We need your consent to send you the best offers and updates.”

  1. Enter the details and click the “Submit” button to submit the Consent Template for approval.
  2. Once the Consent Template is approved, you’ll need to submit the Content Template.
  3. Go to the “Template” tab again and select “Content Template Registration.” The registration page will appear as shown below:
  4. Fill in the required details, including selecting the SMS route in the “Type of Communication” field, choosing “SMS” as the Template Type, entering the Content Template Name, selecting the Header from the approved Header list, and typing the Template Content.
  5. To map the Consent Template with the Content Template, locate the “Consent ID” field, as highlighted in the image below. Choose the approved Consent ID that was obtained earlier. This is the process of linking the Consent Template with the Content Template.
  6. After entering the details, click the “Submit” button.
  7. Now, the Consent Template is successfully linked with the Content Template in SMSlocal.

After your Content Template is approved by the DLT portal, visit to add the registered DLT details on SMSlocal.



1. What is the main difference between a Consent Template and a Content Template in DLT? #

A Consent Template is simply permission from a customer to receive promotional SMS, while a Content Template is the actual message text itself.

2. When do I need a Consent Template? #

You need a Consent Template on the DLT platform only if you want to send marketing-related SMS messages (Service Explicit and Promotional routes). For informational messages (Service Implicit) or OTPs (Transactional), it’s not required.

3. What information should be in a Consent Template? #

  • Briefly describe the kind of promotional messages you want to send (e.g., offers, updates).
  • Do not include the actual message text.

4. What about a Content Template? #

  • This contains the precise text of the SMS message you want to send.
  • You need a separate Content Template for each message, regardless of the route.

5. How do I link a Consent Template with a Content Template? #

  • On the DLT platform, choose the approved Consent ID when submitting your Content Template.
  • This tells the platform to which customers have given permission for that specific message.

6. Where can I learn more about DLT registration and SMS routes? #

  • The provided links within the content explain Jio DLT registration and route details.
  • Most telecom operators (Jio, Vodafone, Airtel) have similar registration processes and route descriptions on their DLT platforms.

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