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HomeHelpWhat is the meaning of prefix in SMS Sender ID?

What is the meaning of prefix in SMS Sender ID?

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Have you ever wondered about the significance of the prefix in a sender ID? Many of us are unfamiliar with the meaning of this prefix that precedes an ID. In this article, we will delve into the purpose and meaning of this prefix. So, keep reading.

Take a look at the image below. In this specific image, the initial 2 characters, “IM,” serve as the prefix of the sender ID. The last 6 characters, “PANTLS,” represent the ID for Pantaloons.

Sender ID

When you receive an SMS with an ID, you may have noticed that there are two characters preceding the primary ID. Let’s take pantaloons as an example. In this case, the two characters are “I” and “M.” These characters are automatically assigned by the message delivery operator. Their primary purpose is to indicate the channel used for message delivery. It’s important to note that bulk SMS companies have no control over these prefix characters.

The guidelines set by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)

Operator Code List: #
Operator Code
Airtel A
Aircel D
Reliance Telecom E
Videocon Q
Idea Cellular I
Reliance Jio J
BPL Mobile/Loop Telecom L
Reliance Communications R
Tata Teleservices T
Unitech U
Vodafone V
Location Code List (Service Circles): #
Location of Service Circle Code
Andhra Pradesh A
Bihar B
Delhi D
UP East E
Gujarat G
Haryana H
Himachal Pradesh I
Jammu and Kashmir J
Kolkata K
Kerala L
Mumbai M
North East N
Orissa O
Punjab P
Rajasthan R
Assam S
Tamil Nadu T
West Bengal V
UP West W
Karnataka X
Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Y
Maharashtra Z

Sender ID

Let us discuss some more examples: #

In the SMS example provided above, the prefix “BZ” can be deciphered using the operator and location code information we discussed earlier. “B” corresponds to BSNL, and “Z” indicates Maharashtra and Goa. Therefore, if you receive an SMS with the sender ID “BZ-PAYTMB,” it signifies that the message was delivered through BSNL, and the service area was Maharashtra and Goa.

The ID is displayed as “VK-iPaytm.” Here, “V” corresponds to Vodafone, and “K” indicates Kolkata. This signifies that the SMS was delivered through Vodafone in the Kolkata region.

Understanding the prefix concept in IDs allows you to decode the origin of SMS messages more effectively. When using Fast2SMS services, you have the flexibility to create your own ID, although it’s essential to note that we have no control over the prefix, which is automatically assigned by the operator. However, you can customize the last 6 characters of the ID to align with your preferences. Start sending SMS instantly with Fast2SMS and tailor your ID to your liking.

Sender ID



Q1. What is an SMS Sender ID? #

An SMS ID, also known as a sender name, is the identification that appears on the recipient’s device when they receive an SMS message. It can be a numeric code, such as a phone number, or an alphanumeric name, like a company name.

Q2. How can I customize my SMS Sender ID? #

Most SMS service providers, including My Country Mobile, allow you to customize your Sender ID. You can set it to reflect your business name or brand, enhancing recognition and trust among recipients. However, the customization is subject to certain regulations and restrictions based on the destination country.

Q3. Are there any restrictions on choosing an SMS Sender ID? #

Yes, restrictions on SMS IDs vary by country and carrier. Some countries require pre-registration or approval of IDs, while others may not support alphanumeric Sender IDs at all. It’s important to check the specific requirements of each country where you intend to send messages.

Q4. Does changing my SMS Sender ID affect message delivery rates? #

The impact on delivery rates can vary. While a recognizable ID can improve open rates, some carriers or countries might have stricter filtering for certain types of IDs to prevent spam, which could affect delivery.

Q5. How long can an SMS Sender ID be? #

The length of an SMS ID typically ranges from 3 to 11 characters. It’s important to keep it concise yet recognizable to effectively represent your brand or identity.

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